Stefano Crestini becomes the new President of ANAEPA Confartigianato Edilizia

Stefano Crestini was unanimously elected last week as President for the period 2021-2025 of our Italian member ANAEPA Confartigianato Edilizia, which represents 40,000 micro and small construction companies. The new President will be assisted by Vice Presidents Virgilio Fagioli, Paolo Figoli and Giovanni Lovato.

Crestini was born in Prato in 1963 and is the owner of the construction company of the same name, which has been rooted in the territory for several generations. Since 2013 he has been president of the construction branch of Confartigianato Toscana and Deputy Vice President of Confartigianato Imprese di Prato. Since 2017 he has been a member of the outgoing Board of ANAEPA, with the role of contact person for negotiations related to the national collective bargaining agreement for the building industry.

Stefano Crestini picks up the baton from Arnaldo Redaelli who has led ANAEPA since 2007, to whom he expressed gratitude and recognition for the intense work carried out in these 15 years for the great commitment dedicated to the enhancement and development of craft and small enterprises.

The new President’s team also includes as members of the Executive Board, in addition to the Vice Presidents: Carlo Angotti, Sabrina Baronio, Giuseppe Antonio Elia, Pietro Paolo Fattori, Enrico Mancini, Luca Pifferi, Enzo Tanino.

Stefano Crestini, thanking for the trust placed in him, said, among other things: “The re-launch of the construction sector depends on the enhancement of the skills and peculiarities of craft enterprises with a view to generational renewal. This is how the challenge of regenerating the country’s real estate and infrastructure heritage can be tackled, according to principles of sustainability and respect for the environment, while maintaining a high level of attention to safety on construction sites and continuous training of workers”.

EBC is looking forward to collaborating with President Crestini and the newly elected ANAEPA representatives to strengthen the voice of the construction sector at the Italian and European level. At the same time, the whole EBC family would like to thank Arnaldo Redaelli for his continuous presence and constructive involvement in the activities in Brussels.